. Right (hand) Tantra

Traditional tantra

Tantra is a spiritual path that embraces life in its various energetic manifestations, in order to reveal
our true nature. Within Tantra various techniques including the use of mantra, yantra, herbs, rituals
& meditations are used to awaken the beneficial energies within which naturally purifies us and
brings about a greater spiritual transformation. Tantra is a science of nature and works especially
with the elemental forces, the planets, and other aspects of the cosmos. Being a path of energy
Tantra can be referred to as a more Ragasic path even though the greater focus of practices are
clearly Sattvic. The divine energy that we embody through the practices in Tantra serves as fuel to
help us the develop our highest potential. Tantra presents a yogic science for arousing Kundalini
which is the potent divine energy that is within each of us but for most people lays dormant. Once
this energy is aroused and the chakras become more stable and active the awakening of consciousness
begins to occur. Kundalini is a form of the Goddess and is acknowledged and respected as her
power. So ,when going deeper into these practices, it is necessary for the guidance of a master of this
path. Tantra is greatly enhanced when approached in a devotional manner. honouring energy as the
great Goddess and Shiva as our divine consciousness. As we go deeper into the practice with the
grace of God, we intuit the divine union of these masculine and feminine attributes within, which
gives way to the dissolution of the dualistic play of reality, the transcendence of our limited self.
Satya Loka teaches aspects from both the left and right hand path of tantra; we use practices which
follow respectable disciplines. Many of these traditional Tantric teachings have been passed down
from Guruji Rajkumar who is one of few Tantric masters to have successfully preserved and transmitted
these authentic and ancient practices of India.